Photography career tree

I would be interested in being an artist, a graphic designer, or a photo assistant. Becoming an artist is a big interest of mine because of the fun that art brings to things and the freely allowed creativity. I would love to be an artist. Becoming a graphic designer seems fun as well because of the more freely allowed creativity and self thought. A photo assistant seems fun and easy. These jobs all seem great.

I would like to work in the state. I feel like having a job in the state is more convenient. I would like to work somewhere in California because I recognize all places around me here since I live in California. I think the responsibilities would for sure be some collaboration, independent work as well, and a lo of time/patience. Having any job takes lots of time and patience though!

The salary of an artist really depends on the artist themselves because hours play a big art in the pay. But, artist (according to online) receive around 40k-110k a year. I would pursue other kinds of graphic designing like video game design. I would also become an independent photographer. I like to work and be by myself so a job independently catches my attention more. Any type of photographer as well because being a photopaper is very interesting and fun to experiment with. I would also love to work in the art industry, any type of artist!

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