
I feel we should end bullying because its a big issue and has no good to it. I feel bullying is only unnecessary and it only harms. It leads to lots of other social issues like depression, aggression, and bad actions. It can have a super bad effect on people and leads to mental issues. Bullying can get people to realize things I guess but its still just not good at all; especially for your mental health. I chose this issue because I feel its been a carried on problem for years and there had never been positive sides to bullying. My artwork is not meant to offend anyone, its more to spread that the issue happens too often and we should make a change about it. I feel that it does make its point clear but I feel it could use more of a point. I’d say its clear enough to understand what I am saying.


I learned I should darken the room and position my subject against a black background. I have to allow enough background area for the number of different exposures I intend to make. I have to set up the electronic flashlights so the minimum amount of illumination falls on the background itself. I then have to turn off all room lights and make your first exposure. There must be some distance between the camera and the person shooting the photo. It must be timed. There has to be separation in the multi exposure for better results. It also depends on the camera you use. There has to be a flash. The flash can be held by someone else. Someone can help with the flash and the photo. Outdoor flash does not go far, so its best to do it in a room. It could even be taken at night with a flash. It projects and duplicated the image. It can have multiple subjects.